Let's be honest, there's really no better feeling than getting a great deal. Don't get me wrong, there are absolutely times where after a bad day, nothing feels better than splurging on something to treat yourself—it's called retail therapy for a reason. For the most part though, being conservative with spending is the best choice. While that's easier said than done, we wanted to compile a list of ways that you can save money when it comes to your wardrobe.
Our first tip, and one that's sometimes difficult is to shop off-season. This one can be tricky because it goes against the need for instant gratification. The benefit of shopping off-season is that retailers are trying to push items out, in order to bring in new merchandise for the current season. For example, a jacket that comes out in December is originally $200 or more, but if you wait to buy it until July, it will likely be 75-80% off. In short, keep your eye out for winter items in summer, and summer items in winter. You can tuck them in the back of your closet, and be pleasantly reminded when the weather changes, and you can use the item you got for a great price.
Our next tip is to utilize store reward programs. Pretty much every retailer has some form of a reward system at this point. These point systems are easy to sign up for, and most of the time are worth it if you're shopping at one place with regularity. Going off of this, another tip would be to consider signing up for a store's credit card. You obviously want to do this only if you know you won't abuse it, but there can be a fair amount of benefits to having a store's credit card. For example, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is likely the most popular sale shopped, and having a Nordstrom credit card is your golden ticket to shopping the sale before everyone else. Also, most stores will incentivize you to open a credit card by offering a percentage off (usually 15-25%) for the purchase you make when you open. So, if you've researched a store card you know will benefit you, open it on a day where you're making a bigger purchase.
Our next tip is to stop sleeping on Walmart and Target for affordable clothing that's still good quality (especially for basics!) There are seriously so many gems in both of these stores! In terms of Walmart, the Time and Tru brand has so many cute options for both clothes and shoes and Melrose Ave has such cute shoes (most for less than $40). For Target, our favorites are Universal Thread and A New Day. Regarding the mention of basics, we mean that if you are getting things like tank tops, camis, and tee shirts, buy them here! There's really no need to purchase a tank or any other layering piece from a higher end brand.
Just because it's on sale doesn't mean you should buy it. This tip can be really difficult to stick to because it's just human nature to be excited about getting a good deal. However, try your best to refrain from purchasing an item just because it's inexpensive. First, make sure that you actually like the item, not just that you like it because it's on a super sale. Secondly, make sure the item fits you. I've definitely been guilty of seeing a shirt on sale for $10 and even though it doesn't even look good on me, thinking "I'll make it work." While it's easy to get into this mindset when there's a "good deal" try not to fall victim to it.
If you haven't done it already, go thrifting. Not only does buying clothing second hand save you money, but it's better for the environment and reduces the mass production of new clothing and the exploitation of workers who produce the clothing. Some apps/websites that you can check out for buying second hand include Mercari, ThredUP, the RealReal, Poshmark, and Ebay. In the same vein as thrifting, swap clothing with friends, family, and coworkers that you know you won't wear anymore. This way, both people can clear their closets of items they don't want, and can also get items that are new to them in the process.
Our sixth and final tip is one that's a little unconventional, but can result in amazing savings. Consider working for a brand that you already love, and can benefit from their employee discount. Most retailers offer their employees a generous employee discount, and you can pretty much find out what any company's employee discount program looks like just Googling it. If you're looking to pick up a second job on the weekend, definitely consider working for your most-shopped brand.
That wraps up our top tips for saving money on your wardrobe! Please feel free to let us know what your favorite tips are in the comments!
