Yesterday officially marked Grace and Lennon’s one year anniversary. It certainly doesn’t seem like a year has passed since we decided to launch our blog. So much has happened in just one year that it has us reminiscing on what started Grace and Lennon. Alison and I had talked about starting some sort of project or hobby together for years prior to finally committing to starting a blog. We found ourselves in the beginning of what ended up being a long quarantine, bored, and wanting to pull the trigger on what had been just an idea for years. We started writing in February with no date on when we thought we’d actually publish our posts somewhere. We spent months meeting at coffee shops and our kitchen tables thinking about what types of things we wanted to focus on for the blog. Everything came pretty easy since we had the same vision for the most part. Our interests are similar enough where we agreed on going the lifestyle route, focusing on beauty, health, food, and general advice. However, our personalities and experiences are different enough where we both bring different content and ideas to the table.
We finally decided last March that we would work on the blog in the background for about three months prior to launching June 1st, 2020. We had the blog go live with four posts already available and posted just about every week since then. Fifty blog posts later, we are celebrating one year of hard work, fun memories, and most importantly, having an outlet to share all of our thoughts, favorites, vacations, and everything in between. Alison and I have both always loved writing and have found that having this outlet has been so beneficial to both of us. It is really cool to think about where we were when we launched the blog, and where we both are now. Being able to look back on what we were writing about at this time last year really makes me reflect on all that has happened over the last year.
From a personal perspective, over the last year, Alison got a new job, moved to Boston, and is now navigating a recent change of Anthony moving to Texas. I bought a new car, got a job promotion, became a godmother, and had a really good self-growth year. Together, we both became aunts for the first time and went on a sister vacation to the Bahamas. If you told me a year ago that this is where we’d be, I probably wouldn’t have believed it. From a blog perspective, we were able to work together on something we felt passionate about, we’ve connected with so many people who have graciously supported Grace and Lennon or has said kind words about our posts, we’ve been recognized by brands or people that we have written about, and have even been highlighted by Old Navy, restaurants, hotels, and brands we’ve shared. We started this blog by having something we could do together. Something we would be proud of. We can certainly say that this has been a really fun year of being creative together, interacting with new people and familiar faces, and overall sharing our lives and the things we care about.
With all of that being said, thank you to everyone who has interacted with Grace and Lennon in the last year. We really appreciate your kind words about our posts and are happy there are people who like to read what we have to say. We are excited to keep going and see where the next year takes us!